Wednesday, November 29, 2006

“Waiting for someone to do something”

“Waiting for someone to do something”. Many times does it feel like this is the motto for some community driven church individuals. Why is it so hard for us to take part of a community driven church. “Our cities, towns, communities need a Church that is moving—a Church living out the call of making disciples through their actions”.(Brandon Piety – Stuck In A Pew)
I am a worship pastor at a community driven church and I admit that I myself ask the same questions. Why can’t I take part of making the community part of my church a success? Sometimes I feel as if people are saying why isn’t the church doing something in the community but they are the last ones to step up and do something their selves. In a short amount of time they pick up and leave the church cause “the church is not doing enough in the community”. “Whether it is creating something new to serve the poor, fixing children’s bikes in a low-income part of town or helping the single mother next-door pay the bills. The call is simple. It is to get out of our churches and into the community. Our local communities need hope. The local church can deliver this hope through simply addressing the immediate needs around them. The time for the Church to move is now”. (Brandon Piety – Stuck In A Pew) “All who have faith in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father” (John 14:12, TNIV).
I’m definitely including myself in this blog. It’s just a good reminder that all of us need to step up.
Until Next Time
Chasen Callahan

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