Sunday, December 16, 2007

Music That Surrounds Us

So this movie my wife took me to tonight. I have to say it's by far one of my favorite movies. I have heard by some locals that say it's awful, I disagree. This movie is made from a deep writers point of you. People who just like music will not like this movie. It takes a special person to appreciate this film. I thought the actors and actresses were great, they played their roles as written. I give it a 5 out of 5. I will say there is a part at the front where this kid is playing an acoustic guitar and then it's the same guitar but it sounds like an electric. Of course it's Hollywood anythings possible. Go see the movie if you are about music not being just about noise but how it's a reminder from God that there's more to the world than just living day after day. It reminds us that music surrounds us for a purpose that leads our paths together.

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