Tuesday, December 5, 2006

How Much Is That Worth

Worship, giving God His worth. What is the God of the universe worth? What can we give to the one who gives us everything? Our talents. Our time. Our Home. Our lives. The fact that we label those things as "ours" shows how much we don't understand-everything we think we "have" is a gift from Him. Even the very air you just breathed, the very heartbeat that pushed blood through your veins-that's from Him. What do we give to the God who went beyond just giving us life and gave us eternal life? What can we give the one who abandoned the throne of eternity to come as a subject and die the death of a criminal to pay for our deathly rebellion? How much is that worth? OUR LIVES.
Read this today and it put everything together for me. Sounds like we are some what forgetful.
Something to thInk about.

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