Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Pull The Sun Glasses Down & Look Sideways, Thats CSI.

I dont know about you but I watch a lot of TV shows and movies. Not as much as Silver but I watch my fare share of them, especially on tour. I was watching one of the great CSI episodes and I have to say that is the most ridiculous show I have ever seen. For some reason I cant stop watching though. If you don't know what I'm talking about let me explain. On one episode they found this camera built inside of a car and they hook it up to the back of this hummer, thats right a hummer with 22" rims. First of all this is what a police car should look like:
But on the episodes of CSI Miami this is their police cars:

They go to the back of this hummer and in the back there's this glass that comes down from the roof of the hummer. They plug in the camera that was found at the crime scene to the hummer by USB and then the glass that just came down becomes a video screen and they find the killer right there in front of them.
If we could only have the police hummer vehicles and those detectives they have we would never have to worry again about who did what to who. (Sarcasm!)

I still find my self watching those CSI Miamis, it's like a bad wreck, you know it's bad but you cant help but look. "Thats what we call a Crime Scene Investigation",

Horatioa Cane

Until Next Time
Chasen C.

1 comment:

Xavier said...

I HATE David Caruso. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_sarYH0z948